GBU Psyche

GBU Psyche

The psychological risk assessment (or GBU-Psyche for short in German) is an important tool in occupational health management that aims to identify, analyze, and minimize psychological stress in the workplace. This process is not only a legal requirement, but also a central building block for promoting and maintaining employee health. In this entry, we will discover what exactly a psychological risk assessment involves, why it is carried out, and what steps are necessary for effective implementation.

What is a psychological risk assessment?

Psychological risk assessment is a systematic process that serves to identify and evaluate mental stress in the workplace. The aim is to improve or eliminate unhealthy working conditions. It is required by law in Germany under Section 5 of the German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) and must be carried out by all employers, regardless of the number of employees or the sector.

Why is the psychological risk assessment important?

There are several reasons why the psychological risk assessment is important:

  1. Health protection: It helps to prevent mental illness that can be caused by work.
  2. Productivity: Employees who feel good at work are more motivated and productive.
  3. Legal requirements: Compliance with legal requirements protects companies from potential legal consequences.

Conducting a psychological risk assessment

There are several steps involved in carrying out a psychological health risk assessment:

  1. Preparation: Determining framework, methods, and people involved.
  2. Recording: Collecting data on mental stress, which can be determined through observations, surveys, or workshops.
  3. Assessment: Analyzing the collected data to determine the extent of mental stress.
  4. Action planning: Developing strategies and measures to reduce or eliminate the identified hazards.
  5. Implementation: Implementing the planned measures.
  6. Effectiveness check: Checking whether the measures introduced are successful and adjusting them if necessary.

Psychological risk assessment is an essential part of the modern workplace, helping to make the working environment safer and healthier. Through regular assessments and adjustments, companies can not only fulfill their legal obligations but also promote a culture of care and well-being. At a time when mental health is becoming increasingly important, psychological risk assessment is an essential tool for any business.

GBU Psyche


What is a psychological risk assessment?

Psychological risk assessment is a systematic process that serves to identify and evaluate mental stress in the workplace. The aim is to improve or eliminate unhealthy working conditions. It is required by law in Germany under Section 5 of the German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) and must be carried out by all employers, regardless of the number of employees or the sector.

Why is the psychological risk assessment important?

There are several reasons why the psychological risk assessment is important:

  1. Health protection: It helps to prevent mental illness that can be caused by work.
  2. Productivity: Employees who feel good at work are more motivated and productive.
  3. Legal requirements: Compliance with legal requirements protects companies from potential legal consequences.

Conducting a psychological risk assessment

There are several steps involved in carrying out a psychological health risk assessment:

  1. Preparation: Determining framework, methods, and people involved.
  2. Recording: Collecting data on mental stress, which can be determined through observations, surveys, or workshops.
  3. Assessment: Analyzing the collected data to determine the extent of mental stress.
  4. Action planning: Developing strategies and measures to reduce or eliminate the identified hazards.
  5. Implementation: Implementing the planned measures.
  6. Effectiveness check: Checking whether the measures introduced are successful and adjusting them if necessary.

Psychological risk assessment is an essential part of the modern workplace, helping to make the working environment safer and healthier. Through regular assessments and adjustments, companies can not only fulfill their legal obligations but also promote a culture of care and well-being. At a time when mental health is becoming increasingly important, psychological risk assessment is an essential tool for any business.

Enable your employees to achieve excellence while staying healthy and motivated.